Our next episode on the series of interviews with the individual partners behind the CO-ADAPT project is Etsimo. Here is a more detailed description of our partner, their involvement in the project, and the vision of it.

Towards predictive and preventive services for wellbeing

Etsimo’s vision is to provide healthcare services that eventually work as preventive measures to improve wellbeing in an efficient approach with benefits for all stakeholders. The rising costs of healthcare require changing the system behavior from reactive to preventive. To achieve this, new methods have to be developed that allow accelerated gathering and analysis of data, which will enable risk prevention and early identification of problems such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic. In the field of medicine, the need for data-driven and evidence-based clinical research is increasing in importance in response to changes in the habits of individuals and new emerging health problems.

As particular objective wellbeing of ageing citizen is a very important societal priority given among other the raising working age and impact of ageing patient healthcare costs.

Etsimo offers a healthcare platform that leverages AI and machine learning on top of health data, making it possible for healthcare providers and insurance companies to instantly offer their customers an engaging experience and predictive and preventive healthcare through existing and future digital channels.

In CO-ADAPT, Etsimo Healthcare collaborates with the University of Helsinki and the University of Trento to develop services that support behaviour change for wellbeing. The aim is to provide intuitive conversational services for ageing citizens that support describing and understanding their own health issues and setting goals for behaviour change programs. This is addressed through intelligent techniques such as personalisation and conversational technologies.


“In Etsimo we are constantly focused on a healthcare platform that leverages AI and machine learning on top of health data. We collaborate with the Univarsity of Helsinki and University of Trento to develop services by supporting behaviour change for wellbeing in the COADAPT-project.” Thomas Grandell, CEO, Etsimo