The BNP ergonomic workstations are the result of a continuous research process and a 25-years’ experience in manufacturing that allow us to create workstations which combine usability and Hi-tech solution for a wide range of productive settings.

What’s an ergonomic workstation?

It’s a workstation that is developed and equipped in order to match the physical and cognitive features of the operator. This kind of workstation assures an ideal work setting that allows the best operator productivity in a safe and healthy environment.
Ergonomic workstations protect the operator from exposure to harmful working conditions and prevent the onset of musculoskeletal diseases. They preserve operator’s health and eliminate the related hidden costs.
The workstation layout and its devices support the operator during production activities. They allow to eliminate operator’s actions without added value and to ensure more efficiency and quality in the production process.

Project status

During this year, despite all difficulties caused by COVID-19 emergency, we started using the first prototype of the ergonomic adaptive workstation. It was tested by young and elderly workers in order to collect the first feedback, looking for strengths and weaknesses and, mainly for elderly people, to let emerge the concerns related to use of innovative technologies.
Our workstation software is a powerful tool, which helps to overcome the initial difficulties by guiding the user step by step into the process with visual instructions, which can be adapted to specific worker’s features (language, biometric, education level, pictures or videos, font size).
The outcome was a list of potential concerns due to initial impact with the new devices, but thanks to a training and extensive testing we can say that it was finally accepted by our testers.

Here is a list of main operator needs:

• Workers ask for easy solutions, which would not slow down their job.
• Future documentation to be in Italian
• For future tests they ask for easy-to-use and not invasive technologies, which could affect the job performance.
• Workers ask for avoiding any person recognition and for being sure that they won’t be filmed or photographed in a recognizable way.
• Workers ask for cobot speed adaptation to the physical stress status (e.g.: fatigue)