COADAPT partners met in June, this time in Helsinki to have the 3rd plenary meeting organized by the University of Helsinki. We thank the consortium for two fruitful days of discussions.  
WHO classified last week the “burn out” as an occupational phenomenon and not as a “medical condition” which made us very enthusiastic in the CO-ADAPT project. The detailed description WHO used is: “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:...
The consortium heading fast to month 3 of the project had the 2nd Plenary Meeting on February 27-28 2019, this time in Brussels hosted by Innovation Sprint at BLSI, Brussels Life Sciences Incubator where they are based. Main themes of Discussion were about the Knowledge Base, Technology Development Usability and Participatory Design The consortium partners...
The first plenary meeting was held in Trento between the 5-6 of December, just a few days after the official launch of the CO-ADAPT project.  All partners spent two days getting to know each other and going through the first agenda and presentations of Work Packages. Stay tuned for more information about the project as...