The University of Helsinki (UH) is one of the best multidisciplinary research universities in Europe, an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. The University of Helsinki seeks solutions for global challenges and creates new ways of thinking for the best of humanity. Through the power of science, the University has contributed to society, education and welfare since 1640. The high-quality research carried out by the university creates new knowledge for educating diverse specialists invarious fields and for utilization in social decision making and the business sector. From UH, two groups are participating in EMPATEC: the group led by Niklas Ravaja, professor of eHealth at the faculty of Medicine The Department of Computer Science will participate through the Ubiquitous Interaction group lead by Professor Jacucci. The research includes design, development and evaluation of ubiquitous interaction techniques: surface computing, multi-touch displays, adaptive interfaces, implicit and physiological computing, multimodal interaction including haptics. The research is carried out in intensive collaboration with Aalto University through the joint Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), and the joint Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI). FCAI works towards the next generation of AI that is interactive, dependable, and data-efficient.
Our main tasks in CO-ADAPT and how we fit in
The prime role of the University of Helsinki in CO-ADAPT is coordinator. Through its two research groups it also contributes to develop smart adaptive systems (Prof Jacucci’s group) and contributes to the knowledge on wellbeing (group of Dr Ravaja Professor of eHealth at the Faculty of Medicine) in particular UH :
leads WP3 Adaptations for Augmenting Work Ability and in particular contributes to T3.1 Implementation of the Proactive Entity Recommender,
- leads T5.3 User Modeling and Program Selection, and contributes to T5.2 Change Program Knowledge base implementation
- leads the Trials and Validation of CO-ADAPT Framework
- manages and coordinates the overall project through WP8